An elephant hugging another elephant with his trunk

Core Belief Profile 9

The Peacemaker Elephant

An elephant hugging another elephant with his trunk

Core Belief Profile 9

The Peacemaker Elephant

An elephant hugging another elephant with his trunk

Core Belief Profile 9

The Peacemaker Elephant

Role Description

The Nine is the peaceful person as they have the stylised image that they are settled and relaxed. They are even-tempered, harmonious, relaxed, unflappable and unpretentious.

The Nine focuses on being sensitive to others and their agendas as well as on keeping life comfortable and familiar. This leads to an avoidance of overt conflict and a tendency to accept the wishes of others by forgetting their own needs. Change is always postponed in order to avoid anger and separation.

The underlying assumption is that the world treats people as unimportant for what they are. They feel a need to blend in as the way to experience a sense of comfort and belonging.

As a consequence they will avoid conflict, which is not only avoiding becoming angry but also an avoidance of anything uncomfortable. This can manifest itself through a need to make the peace in every situation, and this will tend to be expressed as a soothing and peaceful environment.

They will go into a safe and carefree inner sanctum in their minds rather than getting out of their imaginations and into action.

Since Nines try to avoid conflict, and any strong emotion is considered to give rise to conflict, they try to suppress all personal emotions.

Focus of attention

Focus of attention

Focus of attention

Focus of attention

Others’ agendas, requests and demands.

All the things in the environment that are going on around them.

Focus of avoidance

Focus of avoidance

Focus of avoidance

Focus of avoidance

Conflict, confrontation, feeling uncomfortable.

Too many competing demands on their attention and energy.

An illustration of a group of people hi five all together
An illustration of a group of people hi five all together
An illustration of a group of people hi five all together
An illustration of a group of people hi five all together

Focus of energy

Focus of energy

Focus of energy

Focus of energy

Being sensitive to others and trying to please them.

Keeping life comfortable and familiar.

Maintaining structure and routine so that life will be predictable.

Maintaining peace and quiet.

Containing anger.

Doing the less essential and comforting activities rather than the more important and more disturbing ones.

An illustration of a group of people communicating correctlyq
An illustration of a group of people communicating correctlyq
An illustration of a group of people communicating correctlyq
An illustration of a group of people communicating correctlyq

Preferred communication style

Preferred communication style

Preferred communication style

Preferred communication style

Likes to see the big picture and how all the parts relate to the whole, and looks for the underlying patterns of unity and cohesion.

Can also take time to thoroughly examine each detail and complete the necessary work in sequence.

May have trouble shifting attention back and forth from specifics to the big picture, or differentiating foreground and background.

May have difficulty focusing attention on the priority.

Sense of camaraderie with others is important; needs to respect who they’re dealing with, but a personal relationship is not necessary.

Needs to feel comfortable in the environment in order to relax into the learning.

Access point to learning is through the physical sense of activity, other people and the environment.

An illustration of a group of office workers completing tasks
An illustration of a group of office workers completing tasks
An illustration of a group of office workers completing tasks
An illustration of a group of office workers completing tasks
An illustration of a group of office workers completing tasks

Dos for this Core Belief Profile

Dos for this Core Belief Profile

Dos for this Core Belief Profile

Dos for this Core Belief Profile

Do understand that the CBP9 never makes fixed commitments as they are always filled with contingency. Confirm the decisions and then the follow-up details that you want them to follow.

Do appreciate that CBP9s hate pomposity and pretension. They are naturally humble and want you to be as well.

Do provide CBP9s with regular meetings. CBP9s will not assert themselves to claim the time they need, but they do very well when they have your undivided attention. CBP9s will feel that they are not important if you are distracted by phone calls or other interruptions.

Do establish very clear performance goals. They tend to get fuzzy and forgetful when it comes to agreements, so it is good to have them in writing. It is best if the CBP9 does the writing.

Do listen for and challenge if/when the CBP9 starts to convince themselves that they are not important, as this is one reason that they do not always follow up very well. They need to be reminded that their assignments are important, that they themselves are important, and that other people will be disadvantaged if they do not do their job well.

Do ask, dont tell - Realise that asking a CBP9 for their opinion is one way to get them on board.

Danger signal handrawn
Danger signal handrawn
Danger signal handrawn








An illustration of a group of people jumping without parachute
An illustration of a group of people jumping without parachute
An illustration of a group of people jumping without parachute
An illustration of a group of people jumping without parachute
An illustration of a group of people jumping without parachute
Illustration about a group of workers with frustration
Illustration about a group of workers with frustration
Illustration about a group of workers with frustration
Illustration about a group of workers with frustration

Don'ts for this Core Belief Profile

Don'ts for this Core Belief Profile

Don'ts for this Core Belief Profile

Don'ts for this Core Belief Profile

Don’t mistake a CBP9’s silence for agreement. CBPs feel uncomfortable creating unnecessary conflict and may not raise points of disagreement without prompting and reassurance.

Don’t take a half-hearted ‘yes’ for an answer either; they may not even know they do not mean it. Find out what they really think is possible.

Don’t speak over the top of them and especially do not be rude/dismissive of others - CBP9s will rise up with anger/indignation if they see you causing discomfort for other people.

An illustration of 3 people walking upstairs
An illustration of 3 people walking upstairs
An illustration of 3 people walking upstairs
An illustration of 3 people walking upstairs

Suggestions for Professional Development

Suggestions for Professional Development

Suggestions for Pro. Dev.

Suggestions for Professional Development

Suggestions for Professional Dev.

Don’t ask what you need to do next, rather ask what you need to finish next. Then go about finishing it.

Learn to tolerate the discomfort of desire. Follow your passions and set personal goals for yourself.

Don’t leave less desirable options in play. Play those options or eliminate them.

Do not let decisions that can be made drag on. Narrow your focus.

State what you have to say without qualifying it or undermining it.

Learn to be specific and direct. And do not feel obliged to repeat yourself.

Don’t ignore requests for a decision.

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An elephant in the wild

CBP 3 - The Achiever Elephant

An elephant in the wild

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An elephant in the wild

CBP 3 - The Achiever Elephant

An elephant in the wild

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A group of 3 elephants

CBP 6 - The Loyal Sceptic Elephant

A group of 3 elephants

CBP 6 - The Loyal Sceptic Elephant

A group of 3 elephants

CBP 6 - The Loyal Sceptic Elephant

A group of 3 elephants

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Weteringschans 165, 1017 XD Amsterdam

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30 Churchill Pl, London E14 5RE