An elephant with the trunk high

Core Belief Profile 3

The Achiever Elephant

An elephant with the trunk high

Core Belief Profile 3

The Achiever Elephant

An elephant with the trunk high

Core Belief Profile 3

The Achiever Elephant

Role Description

The Acheiver is highly motivated to achieve personal goals.  They are driven by completion.  Acheivers are action people who love to tick items off an action list.  Others are amazed at their sheer capacity for output.

They measure their progress using external markers of status e.g. their appearance, their possessions. Looking good and the image of appearing successful are as important as the success itself.  They avoid failing at all costs. Their own positive self-esteem is based on personal productivity and winning.

Maintaining an image of success in the eyes of others is more important than substance.  The image of success can be tailored to suit what the situation deems is most successful.  Changing themselves to suit the situation or individual they are with means they can deceive themselves and others.

They will find subtle ways to get positive feedback from others so they feel like the centre of the room.  They demand the attention and respect they crave in social settings.  The feeling is that anything meaningful that occurs in a social setting occurs because of them.

The Acheiver assumes that people receive love and approval by achieving success, and they are rewarded by what they do and what they are perceived to have.

This is an assertive profile because it moves against others and, in the face of stress, will expand their sense of self.

They are quite strict with their diet and how they appear to be eating.  They can over-exercise and under-eat to control their body.  They are very critical of their body shape, even if it’s quite acceptable.  They often think that if they change their external appearance, their internal conflict will disappear.

Focus of attention

Focus of attention

Focus of attention

Focus of attention

Things to be done: tasks, goals and future achievements.

The most efficient solution.

How to be the best.

Focus of avoidance

Focus of avoidance

Focus of avoidance

Failing to achieve their desired goals.

Being overshadowed by others.

Losing face.

Uncomfortable feelings and doubts that arise from inactivity and slowing their pace.

Whatever distracts them from getting things done, including emotions.

An illustration of a group of people hi five all together
An illustration of a group of people hi five all together
An illustration of a group of people hi five all together
An illustration of a group of people hi five all together

Focus of energy

Focus of energy

Focus of energy

Focus of energy

Doing things quickly and efficiently.

Staying active and busy.

Gaining recognition and credit for achievements.

Adjusting to whatever is required for success.

Promoting themselves.

Looking good.

An illustration of a group of people communicating correctlyq
An illustration of a group of people communicating correctlyq
An illustration of a group of people communicating correctlyq
An illustration of a group of people communicating correctlyq

Preferred communication style

Preferred communication style

Preferred communication style

Preferred communication style

Prefer fast-paced, clear and challenging communication process.

Usually looking forward to the application of new material.

Wants the manager to be competent and successful.

Biased in favour of action; doesn’t have to understand everything at the outset; willing to take results as they come.

Tendency to wing it.

Convergent thinking: all possibilities and elements are focused towards a single goal.

An illustration of a group of office workers completing tasks
An illustration of a group of office workers completing tasks
An illustration of a group of office workers completing tasks
An illustration of a group of office workers completing tasks

Dos for this Core Belief Profile

Dos for this Core Belief Profile

Dos for this Core Belief Profile

Dos for this Core Belief Profile

Do come straight to the point.

Do ensure that you are scheduled onto their list (well ahead of time). They will be busy and so will need to include you amongst their things to get done.

Do deliver on what you promise. Since the CBP3 is committed, you should be as well. Doing is the area where CBP3s are most comfortable; so you must prove yourself in the area of their greatest concern.

Do establish clear parameters that define success. Be explicit about what is expected to be achieved and how performance will be measured.

Do provide very clear and well defined feedback so that the CBP3 knows what is required and that their efforts are being noticed and acknowledged.

Do provide short-range plans and deadlines or at least reasonable points that will provide feedback. CBP3s despise unclear expectations or responsibilities that do not have discernible boundaries.

Danger signal handrawn
Danger signal handrawn








An illustration of a group of people jumping without parachute
An illustration of a group of people jumping without parachute
An illustration of a group of people jumping without parachute
An illustration of a group of people jumping without parachute
Illustration about a group of workers with frustration
Illustration about a group of workers with frustration
Illustration about a group of workers with frustration
Illustration about a group of workers with frustration

Don'ts for this Core Belief Profile

Don'ts for this Core Belief Profile

Don'ts for this Core Belief Profile

Don'ts for this Core Belief Profile

Don’t waste a CBP3’s time. Therefore, be prepared and well-organised for any meeting.

Don’t interrupt a CBP3 when they are engaged in an activity.

Don’t compete with a CBP3. Instead, consciously let them use their capabilities/strengths and collaborate for success together.

Don’t expect to receive emotional encouragement from a CBP3 for a job well done. For CBP3s well done job is the standard and doesn’t need praise.

An illustration of 3 people walking upstairs
An illustration of 3 people walking upstairs
An illustration of 3 people walking upstairs
An illustration of 3 people walking upstairs

Suggestions for Professional Development

Suggestions for Professional Dev.

Suggestions for Professional Dev.

Suggestions for Professional Development

Recognise that success is not proof of virtue.

Recognise that there is a difference between who you are and what you do.  Learn to value both independently.

Allow others to lead, don’t automatically take over (whether it’s a good idea or not).

Take time in your busy schedule for other people – without an agenda or need for results.

Develop the ability to be honest about how you feel.

Develop the capacity to make personal connections with those around you.

See the value in others you disagree with.

Slow down for people who need more time to think things through.

Learn to be more sensitive with requests and feedback.

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CBP 9 - The Peacemaker Elephant

A group of 3 elephants

CBP 9 - The Peacemaker Elephant

A group of 3 elephants

CBP 9 - The Peacemaker Elephant

A group of 3 elephants

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Weteringschans 165, 1017 XD Amsterdam

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30 Churchill Pl, London E14 5RE